FAIRSKYTRAVELS.com in association with Western Union Money Transfer brings to you the option of sending money to your relatives/friends in India, without any hassles and in matter of minutes. The recipient gets the money the moment you advise him the transaction code.
Five simple steps to receive money from abroad
Sender goes to nearest Western Union location, fills out a form, hands over money and service fee to the nearest local Western Union office.
Western Union office/Agent gives sender a receipt and a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)
Sender calls and informs receiver of the amount of money sent.
Receiver contacts Fairsky Travel House location; provides valid identification; fills out a form mentioning sender's name, country and amount expected.
Fairsky Travel House hands over the money to receiver
Money Transfer Made Easy
It is easy for anyone to use the Western Union Money Transfer service worldwide. Government of India rules allow only Inward Remittance through Western Union from Abroad currently.
It's Reliable
Every year, millions of people trust Western Union to support family back home, rescue travelers in emergencies, and keep business operating smoothly. Western Union ensures that your money will be paid out quickly, in full, and only to the right person.
It's Fast
Money is received just moments after it is sent. Western Union uses the latest electronic technology and our unique worldwide computer network for immediate payout in more than 178 countries.
It's Convenient
Western Union agents are located where you need them: in banks, post offices, pharmacies, retail stores and other public places. More than 78000 agent locations make Western Union the world's largest money transfer network.